Georgia Dealer License Class Topics


Georgia Dealer License Class Topics

Contact Info

We provide valuble
contact information
that will help obtain
your licenese and run
your dealership after
the dealer class.


Start Up Steps

You will be led through
each step of the dealer
license process, when
you leave the class
you will be ready to
start your dealership.


Dealer Application

We will complete an
Georgia Dealer License
Application in class
to ensure it is correctly
completed for quick
dealer license approval.


Dealer Ethics

You will learn the
importance of operating
your GA Dealership
with integrity and high
ethical standards. This
leads to higher profits!


License Suspension

You will learn what
actions may lead to
the suspension of an
Georgia Dealers License.
We will show you
how to avoid this.


Surety Bond

You will learn where
to obtain your $35,000
dealer surety bond.
When you leave class
you will understand
this new requirement.


Retail Contract

Georgia law requires
every retail or wholesale
motor vehicle transaction
to be preceded with a
written contract explaining
the terms. Will cover in class.



The Georgia requires
mileage disclosure on
on most vehicles
at the time of the sale.
Our class prepares you
to be a Georgia Dealer.


Dealer Records

The State of Georgia
has an extensive list
of records that must be
maintained by GA
dealers. We will help
start your paper trail.


Dealer Board

Learning how the GA
Motor Vehicle Dealer
Board operates will make
operating of your GA
dealership easier. You
learn about the Board.


Secretary of State

The State of Georia requires
most businesses to register
with the GA Secretary of
State's office. You will
learn how to file your SOS
paperwork in dealer class.


GA Sales Tax License

When you obtain your
Georgia Dealers License 
you will need to have an
Georgia Sales Tax License.
It's easy to apply, learn how
in dealer license class.


Apply for Title

Georgia requires dealers
to apply for title when 
for the customer
when you sell a vehicle.
You will learn to easily
apply for titles online.


Collect Sales Tax

When you obtain your
Georgia Dealers License
you will need to collect
sales tax when you sell
a vehicle. We make this
process easy in class.


Employer ID Number

We will take you step
by step through the
Employer ID Number
registration process so
you can register your
business with the IRS.


Salvage Titles

Learn how to identify
a vehicle's damage
history and how to
obtain a Rebuilt Salvage
title so the vehicle can
be sold for a profit.


Dealer Plates

When you obtain your
Georgia Dealer License 
you will be provided
Georgia Dealer License
plates. Find out the
State's plate guidelines.


Georgia Temp Tags

You can place a Temp
Tag on a vehicle sold
by your dealership.
In your dealer license
class you will learn
how to order and use.


Dealer Advertising

When you become an GA
dealer you will need to
follow Georgia state dealer
advertising guidelines.
Your Georgia dealer license
training will inform you.



Offering some type of
financing will lead to
many, many more sales.
GA dealers must follow
strict State and Federal
financing laws.


Document Fees

Georgia dealers are allowed
to charge documents fees
that will add to your
profits. Doc Fee
guidelines will be discussed
in your dealer license class.



Other countries are always
buying vehicles in US and
export rules must be
followed. We will
provide the proper
form in the dealer class.


Federal Dealer Laws

You must not only follow
every State law that comes
out of the Capital, you
will learn about Federal
dealer laws that
come out of Washington.


Much, Much More

Dealer auctions, dealer
insurance, dealer forms
and much more valuble
information will be
obtained in a dealer
license class near you.

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